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Ethics and values in a college provide a guiding framework for all stakeholders, emphasizing fairness, integrity, accountability, and respect. Students commit to honesty and responsibility, faculty foster inclusive learning and uphold academic standards, and administrators ensure transparency and equitable resource allocation. Collaboration with the wider community further strengthens the institution's foundation, fostering growth and a positive societal impact.

SPACES Degree College upholds the highest ethical standards, promoting integrity and accountability. Its Ethics Policy outlines principles guiding the conduct of students, faculty, staff, and administrators.


The Ethics Policy Document aims to:

  • Define the ethical standards and values expected from all members of SPACES Degree College.

  • Establish guidelines for ethical decision-making and behavior.

  • Provide a framework for addressing ethical concerns and conflicts of interest.

Core Principles

  • Integrity and Honesty: All members of SPACES Degree College must act with honesty, transparency, and truthfulness in all interactions, both within the college and with external stakeholders.

  • Respect and Dignity: The college values diversity and inclusivity. Every individual is expected to treat others with respect, fairness, and dignity, irrespective of gender, religion, nationality, or other characteristics.

  • Academic Integrity: SPACES Degree College upholds a culture of academic honesty. Acts such as plagiarism, cheating, or other forms of academic dishonesty are strictly prohibited.

  • Conflicts of Interest: Any situation that may compromise or appear to compromise the objectivity or fairness of a decision or action must be promptly disclosed.

  • Reporting and Resolution: Any member of SPACES Degree College who suspects an ethical violation is encouraged to report it through the appropriate channels. All reports will be treated seriously, and a thorough investigation will follow.

  • Protection from Retaliation: Individuals who report ethical concerns in good faith are protected from retaliation or adverse consequences resulting from their report.

  • Consequences of Violations: Violations of the Ethics Policy may lead to disciplinary actions, including but not limited to:

    • Suspension or expulsion for students.

    • Termination of employment for staff and faculty.

    • Legal action, if deemed necessary.

  • Review and Revision: The Ethics Policy Document will be reviewed periodically to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Updates will be made with input from the college community, as necessary.


Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall development, we take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.

