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Statutory Declaration UnderSection 4 (1) (b) of the
(RTI) Act , 2005

The Right to Information Act, 2005 (RTI Act-2005) has been enacted by the Parliament and has come into force from 15 June, 2005. The Act provides the right to information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities that promotes transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. All Universities and Colleges established by law made by the Parliament or by State Legislature or by the notification of appropriate Government authority or controlled or substantially financed directly or indirectly by funds provided by the Government shall come within the purview of Public Authority under this Act. As per Higher Education Department, Government of Andhra Pradesh and UGC guidelines SPACES Degree College, Payakaraopeta implements the Right to Information Act, 2005.

Application Procedure:

The application may be type-written or neatly hand-written wherein mention atop “Application under RTI Act 2005.

The application may preferably be written though an e-mail & is accepted as a mode as per law and there is no such prescribed proforma for application.

Applications will not be discarded on the ground that they were not in the prescribed proforma.

The application should be written in English or Bengali & be in a simple and easy language.

Application is simply addressed to the “Public Information Officer’’ (Don’t mention the name)

Mention your question direct-point wise, avoid asking vague questions.

Avoid using too technical terms or legal terminology.

Attach Government RTI Fee in the form of IPO/DD etc., as applicable with the RTI Application.

At the end of the application make a declaration that you are an Indian citizen.

About College:

Title Details
Name of the Organisation SPACES Degree College
Postal Address SPACES Degree College, NH-16, PL Puram, Payakaraopeta-531126 Anakapalli Dt. Andhra Pradesh
Website www.spacescollege.ac.in
e-mail sdc.principal@sriprakash.org
Approval & Affiliation

Affiliated to Andhra University, Visakhapatnam

Approved by AICTE

Accredited with NAAC A Grade

Recognised by APSCHE

Name of the Principal Dr. A.R.K.Reddy

Appointment of Public Information Officer and Asst. Public Information Officer under Right to Information Act-2005:


Sl. No.

Name of the Officer & Address

Nominated as

Contact No.


Mr. K. Ramana Babu, Office Superintendent

Asst. Public Information Officer



Mr. P. Bhaskar Rao, Head, Dept. of Commerce & Mgt.

Public Information Officer



Dr. A.R.K.Reddy, Principal

Appellate Authority



College RTI Report



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