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Nuclear Expert visited SPACES Degree College

Sastry M. Addanki has a degree in Civil Engineering from Andhra University and MS in System Management from the university of Southern California. He worked in India, Europe and USA.  He is currently retired and resides in Seattle, USA. His experience in India includes construction of a pipeline from Guwahati refinery to Siliguri; and construction of the first atomic power station in India. Tarapur Atomic Power Station (T.A.P.S.) is located in Tarapur, Palghar, India. It was the first commercial nuclear power station built in India. For over 40 years, Mr. Sastry has been living in the USA. His experience was mostly in nuclear power plant construction and nuclear waste management. He received a Distinguished Service Award from American Society for Quality- Energy and Environment Division. Mr. Sastry visited SPACES Degree College on 18th February 2025.  During his visit, Sastry delivered a lecture on Nuclear Energy. While speaking on this subject, he highlighted the need, perception and realities of nuclear power. Mr. Sastry asserted that energy through renewable sources would not be able to meet the requirements in a populous country like India.  Energy is the most fundamental requirement of every society or nation as it progresses through the ladder of development. He said, in India, all these years, we have seen only one incident due to radiation. He dispelled all the misconceptions on nuclear energy. He answered all the questions posed by the students on different subjects like career building and soft skills. During his interaction with students, he appreciated the lively participation of the students. One interesting question- Which one is dangerous- ‘Man made disaster or the disaster of the natural calamities. He urged the students to channel all energy towards goal attainment. His down to earth personalty set an example to all the students and faculty members. Dr. K. Narendra Babu, President, Sri Prakash Educational Society, invited Sri Sastry to SPACES Degree College, with a view to having interaction with past masters in order to strengthen career building. In this programme, Dr, A.R.K. Reddy, Principal, SPACES Degree College, the faculty members and the students participate. All the students felt it was an enlightening session.



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