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College News

Topic Exploration Activity for Freshers @ SPACES Degree College

A Topic exploration activity was conducted to encourage critical thinking, teamwork, and effective communication among freshers on 1st August 2024.

Students were divided into teams of 6 members and were allotted a general topic.They were given a set timeframe to discuss and research their topic.
Teams presented their findings and insights to the class. 
Students demonstrated excellent teamwork and collaboration skills during the discussion and presentation.Teams showcased creative and innovative thinking in their approach to the topics.

The topic exploration activity fostered teamwork, critical thinking, and effective communication among freshers.


Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall development, we take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.

