RTI   |    Research    |    Statutory Committees   |   Library   |   Undertaking

To be a leading center of excellence in Sanskrit education, research and dissemination, providing students with a strong foundation in Sanskrit language and literature, and promoting an understanding of the rich cultural heritage and wisdom of ancient India.

  • To provide high-quality teaching and learning experiences that prepare students for careers in Sanskrit education, research, and related fields.
  • To foster a research-oriented culture that contributes to the development of Sanskrit language, literature, and philosophy.
  • To promote the preservation and dissemination of ancient Sanskrit texts and knowledge, and to create awareness of the relevance and significance of Sanskrit in contemporary society.
  • To encourage students to engage with the wider community and promote the use of Sanskrit as a means of cultural exchange and dialogue.


Sri Prakash - one of the best educational institutes in Andhra Pradesh, empowers students with modern technology through innovative and fun Visualizations, Quizzes and interactive modules for learning. Apart from focusing on overall development, we take pride in creating an environment of excellence on our campus, so that our campus becomes a second home for our students, encouraging them to learn more and more.

